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Nov 25, 2015

Here in the United States the unofficial beginning of holiday season happens tomorrow with Thanksgiving.

As much fun as the holiday season can be it is also a time of stress and overwhelm.

There is a never ending list of tasks that need to be done to get ready for the holidays AND it seems every night of the week there...

Nov 18, 2015

It is that time of year again (at least in the northern hemisphere) where every time you turn around there is another person coughing or sneezing.

I have found tapping is a great way to keep these seasonal bugs at bay and to help to get healthy once you have gotten sick.

This week I have the tapping script I use to get...

Nov 11, 2015

One of the most common questions I receive is “Where should I start? I have so many issues to tap on that I feel paralyzed. What should I do?”

This is a great question.

The truth is there is no one place to start, but it is much more important that you do start. I know how intimidating tapping can feel the first...