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Apr 20, 2020

One of the most difficult parts of the healing process is being able to forgive ourselves.

It's common to believe that if we forgive ourselves, we are letting ourselves off the hook and failing to take responsibility for our past choices.

Self-forgiveness is actually the opposite of this. Being able to move to a place of forgiveness means we are taking responsibility for the past and making sure it stays in the past. When we don't forgive, we're just reliving the past over and over again.

This tap-along audio is a recording of one of my client sessions where we were tapping on the idea of self-forgiveness. I was given permission by my client to use this recording and I have also removed his voice from the audio. This will allow you to tap along as if I were tapping with you.

You can find the full tapping script of this audio as a pdf over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.

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