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Jun 1, 2020

In May 2014 I was lucky enough to be invited to join the group Empowering The Philippines in teaching EFT Tapping to the residents of Tacloban City and the surrounding areas. Six months earlier the region had been ravaged by Super Typhoon Haiyan (called Yolanda in the Philippines), displacing four million people and leaving one million homes damaged or destroyed.

Our days in the Philippines were split between teaching local people how to use tapping to deal with their experience of the typhoon, and teaching teachers, doctors, and mental health professionals how to use tapping in their work.

After the experience my friend Helen McConnell (bio below) interviewed me about the work we did, my experience, and what we can all learn from this type of work.

I also wrote a daily diary with my personal reflections while in the Philippines, which you can read on on my personal blog.

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About Helen McConnell: Helen McConnell is a Certified EFT Practitioner, trained in clinical and advanced EFT. She specializes in helping people release the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of the success they desire – whether its business, finances, health, weight release, love, or creating their legacy.