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Nov 23, 2016

33% off Pain Relief Miracle

I have found in my own life that one of the most powerful emotions is gratitude. When we feel a sense of gratitude, even during trying times, it moves us to a disposition of possibility.

It is important to note that this is not some fake, Pollyannish sense of hopefulness. It is possible to have a healthy sense of what is truly going on in our lives and be thankful at the same time.

Here is a very simple tap-along to help you to connect with a healthy and genuine sense of gratitude.

I recognize the fact that my life is not perfect...I recognize the fact that the world is not perfect...I recognize the fact there are lots of things that I would change if I could change them...I know the lives around me aren't perfect either...But at the exact same time I appreciate the fact that there are many things that are good...There are many things that are great...Even though my body is not perfect...I am thankful to have a body to move through this world with...Even though my mind is not perfect I am thankful for my creativity...Even though my relationships aren't perfect...I am grateful for my ability to connect with others...Even though my interactions with others aren't perfect...I appreciate the fact that there are others who inspire me...I know the world is not perfect...But I can be thankful the exact same time...I am thankful for life...I'm thankful for choice...I am thankful for opportunity...I am thankful for inspiration...I am thankful for education...I am thankful for healing...I am thankful for transformation...I am thankful that I can learn from others...I am thankful that I can be challenged...I am thankful for a new day...I am thankful for a new opportunity...I am thankful for rest and relaxation...I am thankful for people in my life...I am thankful for challenge...I am thankful...I am thankful for time to be thankful...I am thankful...I am thankful...I am thankful...I am thankful.